Friday, June 7, 2013

Reader Question of the Week


  1. Do you have a question for this page? Please email OR ask it right here:

  2. My 7 month old girl has, over the last 3 months, started waking through the night. She slept through from about 6 weeks of age but gradually after we moved her to her cot (crib) she started waking, and will now wake every 2hrs, sometimes hourly or every 40 mins. I'm so exhausted it's not funny and I don't know how much longer I can take it. My GP (family doctor) has suggested she go back to being swaddled, which has improved settling for day naps (which were never great to begin with) but has done nothing for night. Last night she woke screaming hysterically at 10pm and we had to snap our fingers in front of her before she stopped and opened her eyes, but she started again quickly. I finally calmed her enough to breastfeed her. She then woke again 2hrs later for another feed (though it was more comfort than anything), then another at 3am. The problem with the 3am feed is that I know she just had horrible wind pain (even though I use remedies for that!) and feeding would have just perpetuated it. She finally calmed down after an hour, so I brought her into bed with me and we slept for nearly 3hrs uninterrupted. I'm not sure if she's cold (it's winter here in Australia) but she's rugged up enough and I don't want to overheat her! She's being investigated for a UTI and possible silent reflux, but any help would be appreciated as I'm at a loss as to what else to try!
